5 signs that your house plants may be unhappy

Many houseplants are easy to grow and manage provided you give it proper opportunity to thrive and survive. While we all love having plants around us, it’s not always easy to keep them alive specially if you are lacking the green thumb. So, no matter how many plants you get home, you may be avoiding […]

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What is an Adarsh Nari ? Mandira Bedi trolled for shattering the image of an “Adarsh Nari”.

Even in 2021, we have women who prey for a son with a fear that how will the in-laws react if she has a daughter. And if by chance she does deliver a daughter, will she be welcomed house or not? Will her family be happy about this birth? Such fear still resides in a […]

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Music Melody and Mental Health

Staying indoors during the lockdown and Covid times, the one thing that has surely lifted my spirits and kept me on my toes literally, is Music. Music can make you dance like no one’s watching and sing till your throat hurts.  From rock and roll to hip hop to soft melodious songs, it will cater […]

Make a Terrarium in 5 easy steps

The pandemic and lockdown have got the best out of people and made them venture into new things or build on what they already liked but never got the time to do so. One such thing was testing the green thumb. Many people got interested in gardening and building a small green space in their […]