4 Best Money Advice for 2022

We all want to create wealth and live a stress free life. But all this can happen when we value our money the right way. Now you ask what do I mean? Money when kept in the bank account, will not grow. One needs to be wise to juggle and manage the finances well. Like […]

Mutual Fund Myths Busted

While we know that Mutual Fund is the most diversified, liquid and professionally managed financial investment option, there are still some myths around it that generates doubt and holds us back from investing. It’s okay to have doubts, but if they are refraining you from making the right decision, it’s time to understand Mutual Funds […]

Blogchatter A2Z 2021

Benefits of Budgeting

How and where do we start with savings and investments? These are the questions that come to us when we take our first step towards personal finances. We all want to make a lot of money but that can only happen when our 1st step is right – Budgeting. With budgeting you can create a plan […]

Blogchatter A2Z 2021

Short Term Investments V/S Long Term Investments

Don’t we all want our money to grow? But then again, we also need money to meet our expenses. So here comes the question, should I invest long term and block the money, or should I invest for a short term?  Both short term and long-term investments are important for growing your wealth, hence its […]