Blogchatter A2Z 2021

How to know if you can afford one working parent and prepare for it?

Xcited as we are on the birth of our child, it comes with many tough challenges and choices that needs to be made. One of that is the decision of one parent to quit the job and stay at home to take care of the child.  If you already have children or expecting a baby, […]

Blogchatter A2Z 2021

Common Credit Cards mistakes we make

Mistakes we make with our credit card unknowingly can put us in a grave debt. It would cost you a lot of extra money and also impact your credit score.  Credit Card (CC) can really be helpful but how you use it and when to stop it is very crucial. Overspending on the credit card […]

Blogchatter A2Z 2021

Cash or Card- What should you use?

Gone are the days when people wanted to spend in cash. It’s a thing of the past. We have been living in a plastic world, where everything is artificial, even money. Modern times call for fast transactions and easy payment options and cards are the new reigns in the money market.  But while we know […]