Book Reviews

My top list of Authors

A book is nothing but an authors imagination put to paper. A good author stays with the reader for a long time and I have had my share of favourite authors whose art of narrating a story compels me to pick their book as soon as its displayed on the shelves of the book store. […]

Book Reviews

Why do I set book targets every year?

Why does one set book targets? Hear it from a reader. Recently I came across a post which said that books need to be enjoyed without setting any targets. They are meant to be savored with each page and to devoured just to hit the set target. I had my own two cent to share […]

#MyFriendAlexa S5

My 3 Favourite Female Writers

There were times when male authors were considered as literary writers from the start while women had to earn the adulation.  But with time and proving their mettle in the literary world, readers are now seeking more and more of female authors who have come out with some award winning, sold out and must read […]