Kids and Me

5 ways to raise a positive child

The best thing that we can give to our child that will last them for life is a positive attitude and once that attitude is built, no one can take that away from them. 

In this over competitive world, the only thing that our child needs is to have a assertive outlook towards life which will allow them to accept what comes their way, be it success or failure. And as they say, it’s never too late to start early. So, as a parent, let’s start the positive character building from the beginning itself. 

Here is how you can go about it;

Be a role model: Like they say, practice what you preach, you need to be positive and happy to teach the same to your kids. Self-care and self-respect is very crucial as children imbibe what they see, so show them something worthy. Treat yourself as a person with value. Model the characteristics in yourself for your kids to appreciate and practice. 

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Accept their failure: If there was no failure, no one would be successful. One has to come last for someone else to come first and it may or may not be your child who is leading the charts of success. Being a parent, we want to protect our child from failures but it’s a part of life and growing up so accept it. Embrace their failure and let them know its ok if they don’t make it. Show them that your love and affection is not dismissed by their failures. 

Praise them: We all seek appreciation and so do kids. Appreciate them for anything that they have done noteworthy be it small or big, show them that you really value them. Be it a simple drawing, praise them for having a good imagination and coming out with a nice artwork. This motivates them in pursuing it and be better at it each time.  

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Talk to them: When your kid wants to talk to you, be it anything big or small, put down your phone, keep the remote aside, stop cooking and listen to them. Show that they are special and what they say is important to you. 

Never fight in front of your kids: When you have any issue, wait for your kids to fall asleep or step out but never fight in front of them. When elders fight in front of kids, it always leaves a negative impact on their little minds. They can sense the tension in the house and feel intimidated by it.

Photo by Daisy Anderson on

These are simple and very doable things for us but very important for your child’s development. Sometimes our emotions rule our action which can not be good for the kids to witness.

In my next blog I will be talking about Positive Parenting. We all know, it’s not a cake walk when raising those little humans and parents have their moments of meltdowns. Positive Parenting focuses on how a parent can be more assertive in their behavior and words while raising a child to empower them to be better individuals. 

So stay tuned. Next blog coming out soon. 

By mummatalks

Mom of two brats, use to work as an analyst now a SAHM. Love books.

22 replies on “5 ways to raise a positive child”

Role modeling is the backbone of parenting. Kids observe us al the time, they absorb our actions, words, gestures, and emotions. So. if we can maintain a healthy an positive environment at home, give them one on one attention, then they are surely going to record that.

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