Men are just as emotional as Women

When it comes to expressing emotions, we humans, men or women, both are overflowing with it. But since women are seen to be more sensitive and vulnerable than men, its acceptable for them to display their emotions. But on the flip side, men are seen to be stronger and discouraged to do the same. But […]

Kids and Me Parenting

6 Time management tips for Stay-At-Home Moms

Moms work around the clock with the To- Do list never coming to an end and now with the online schooling, work from home family members and less to no house help, time management plays a crucial role. The pounding load of work can only bring stress and the best way to deal with is […]


Sharing my ways of dealing with stress and being a calmer parent

As you all may know, I am a mom of two kids and raising kids is not a child’s play. I have had my moments of meltdown, breakdowns, crying and looking for an escape. But I knew I have to deal with the mounting stress and be more calmer to be happy mentally and as […]

5 signs that your house plants may be unhappy

Many houseplants are easy to grow and manage provided you give it proper opportunity to thrive and survive. While we all love having plants around us, it’s not always easy to keep them alive specially if you are lacking the green thumb. So, no matter how many plants you get home, you may be avoiding […]

Book Reviews Collaborations

Written in the Stars – Book Review

Visualise this, its a beautiful Sunday afternoon. A cup of hot tea by your side and a light read in your hand. So relaxing this scene looks, right? “Written in the Stars” is just that book you need to bring this scene into a reality. Without giving away the story, let me tell you a […]