Collaborations Kids and Me Parenting

Are we using Phenoxyethanol free products for our babies?

I remember when I was expecting my 1 st born, it was an exhilarating experience. Filled with jitters and doubts and zillions of questions, I surfed the internet the whole 9 months. I knew I was in for a roller costar ride, and I wanted to be prepared, educate myself in the best possible way and make sure […]

Kids and Me Parenting

5 ways to prevent dry skin in babies

It’s common for new born babies to have dry skin all over their body as they are just out of their mothers womb. Their skin is overly sensitive compared to an adults skin and they take time to adjust to the new environment. In some cases, during infancy, the skin may peel due to temporary […]

4 Best Money Advice for 2022

We all want to create wealth and live a stress free life. But all this can happen when we value our money the right way. Now you ask what do I mean? Money when kept in the bank account, will not grow. One needs to be wise to juggle and manage the finances well. Like […]

Kids and Me Parenting

5 common problems faced by Pregnant women

While everyone talks about the pregnancy glow and the miracle of a child birth, not many speak up about the pain, frequent urination and perpetual fatigue that follows. While a woman’s body is meant to create a new life, it by no means is a very comfortable journey. Not every women has the same symptoms […]

Kids and Me Parenting

Siblings Rivalry – 8 ways to deal with it

Being a mom of two, most of my time goes by being a referee. To put the two kids apart and get them to play and be cordial around one another can be a daunting task at hand. But it doesn’t mean that my kids are badly behaved or I as a full-time mom failed […]