Kids and Me

Top 5 classic English movies every kid must watch

I have been a movie buff all my life thanks to the family genes and the same is being passed on to my kids. As a child I have enjoyed some really fun movies and have wanted my kids to watch it too. The movies that I have chosen take me back to my olden […]

Kids and Me

Early Reading for Babies and Toddlers

Being a reader myself, I had started reading books to my both my kids at a very early stage. Some parents think that the child is too small to even understand that this is a book or some say the baby cant even talk whats the use of reading now? But this is untrue. While […]

Kids and Me

Top 5 toys a 2yr old must have

Toys are not only toys but also a means of development when it comes to kids. There are certain toys designed for motor and fine skill development. Toys also help in improving imagination, grip, concentration and much much more.  So today I am listing 5 must have toys, which can help in the right development […]

Kids and Me

Mamma’s Boy

Me being a total Papas girl myself, Aayera is just the same – a complete Daddy’s girl. But when I had a Son, I realized what is so special between a Son and Mothers bond #boymom. Its just so sweet and sacred the way my little boy adores me and kisses me the whole day […]

Kids and Me

Raising a child with a mind of his own…

As Aaryaveer has entered his 3rdyear in August, I have been noticing some changes in his personality. He has always been a self-indulged child who keeps himself busy and that’s the best thing about him. But if you ask him to do something else in between like call him for eating or for a shower […]