Book Reviews

Jasmine Builds on Shifting Sands: A self Help Fiction – Book Review

Book : Jasmine Builds on Shifting Sands: A Self Help Fiction
Author: Sanjay Desai
Publication: Conscious Leap publication
Pages: 134

Blurb: A modern day girl Jasmine who is ready to take the Fashion industry by storm but ego and pride may take her down. While on her journey she has support from her mentor Shaheen and a photographer Bala who help her to stay grounded and give her the push that she needs to climb up the ladder of success. 

Review: The book is an amalgamation of self-help with fiction to help the readers get the message more clearly. 

In the first half of the book, the protagonist Jasmine is a young and motivated girl who has been a college topper and accidently stumbled into the Fashion industry. The sudden success gets over her and her attitude changes towards the people and her team. This impacts her work and people start disliking her. 

But from the second half of the book, enters Bala, a photographer who takes Jasmine through spiritual talks and discussions to help her come out of her bubble and be grounded as she aims for success. The discussion in the second half of the story gets dominated by learning and teachings but towards the end, the story again comes back to life as we read about Jasmine and how she tried to implement what she has learnt from Bala. 

The author has a very clear writing style without wasting time and words talking about things irrelevant to the story by over describing the setting and surroundings. Infact the learnings and teachings have been put in simple words to make it more easy to understand. 

The characterization is also very realistic. A young girl who tastes success at an early age gets wrongly influenced by it and how a mentor helps her come out it is very relatable, as it could have happened to any one of us. Bala, who helps Jasmine with his philosophical ideas is also a character we all can relate to, like anyone who would guide or advise a friend/family during their tough times.

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My Views: I am not a person who enjoys reading self-help books and with this book I tried to break the wall and step into reading this genre. And to my delight, I was not disappointed and really enjoyed reading this book as the learnings and teachings were made a part of a fictional story making it interesting. Though I would have enjoyed some more drama in the story to spice it up a bit. The book is an easy read and can be completed in one sitting with its lucid language and easy flow of the story. 
The author has shared QR codes in the book after each chapter and after scanning them, you will be taken to sections on ConciousLeap where one can take the desired course. This way the author has allowed the readers to d access more insight into the teachings shared in the book. 
A wonderful and an easy read and set in the modern times, I would recommend this book to people who are looking for self-development. 
My rating: 4/5

By mummatalks

Mom of two brats, use to work as an analyst now a SAHM. Love books.

34 replies on “Jasmine Builds on Shifting Sands: A self Help Fiction – Book Review”

There are two things that have attracted me to pick up this book after reading your review. One is the fact that it’s not a typical self-help book with boring learnings, I really like that the author has used a fictional story to impart the lessons. And the other is the QR codes that are linked to the courses for the benefit of the readers. I may pick up this one.

Self help book with a plain words is easy to understand than any fancy vocabulary. And I too like the idea of having the QR code so that readers can dig deep into particular learning if they wish too.
I am also reading this book, thoughts on it coming soon .

Frankly, even I too find self-help books less interesting but this book has blended fiction along with spiritual teachings. As well as desired courses are also mentioned in each chapter to motivate and practise what’s been preached. Will add this one to my TBR list.Thanks, for the honest review.

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