#MyFriendAlexa S5

13 types of Readers- Which one are you?

Except for their love for reading, no two readers are alike. While some stick to a particular genre, others like to try everything out. Some prefer physical books while some choose to E-read. Like there are various books, there are various types of readers who have their own style and preference of reading. It’s not easy to list down various types of readers or put anyone one in any specific category.  So read on and let me know if you find yourself in any of the categories listed below. 

1.Hoarder: These type of readers love to buy and buy and then buy some more books but they may not read everything that they buy. Some are bibliomaniacs that love to hoard books to have a home library while other just keep piling the unread books. Their love for books is very evident to any visitor at their home. 

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2.Skip n read: Such readers skip some parts of the books to get to the end of the story. They are either too busy or have a short attention span and choose to just browse through the book rather then reading it from cover to cover.  

3. Paper book loyalist:  These are the old school types who still prefer paper books to E-books. Such readers love the feel of an actual book in their hand as they turn pages rather than swiping on a device. They get pleasure from seeing their priced possession stacked in front of their eyes. Technology is a boon in today’s time but don’t even bother explaining that to a paper back loyalist.  

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4. Loyal reader: Such readers are loyal towards their authors or a particular genre. They have to read each and every book written by their favorite author or from of their favorite genre. If they like and connect with a particular authors writing style or story telling method, they will always go back to that author for more books. 

5. Sophisticated reader: These readers can also be termed as “Literary Snob” who only prefer to read books which have won major awards. Classics and best sellers are what they prefer so don’t even think about gifting them any book that you like. 

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6. Weekend reader: Life is busy for such readers and the only time to indulge in book is on weekends. Their weekends are booked for books as they unwind with a page-turner and travel places with it. They are not picky readers. Since they read to unwind, such readers choose books that make them happy. 

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7. Emotional reader: Some readers love to cry with their books and need their books to make them feel emotional. They get sad when the character in the book is sad and happy when the character is happy. Their moods are attached to the book they read.  Such readers at times get stuck with the book and its story even after its over because they felt an emotional connect with it. 

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8. Neurotic Reader: Such readers have set rules for their possession. They like to read the book form cover too cover, even the acknowledgments and glossary. They don’t allow any one to mess with their books, underline or highlight in specific colors, arrange books as per the author, color or alphabetic order, no dog ears allowed and they don’t prefer lending their books to any one, lest the borrower may ruin the pages or not return the book. Such bibliophiles may appear obnoxious and irrational to others but for them, they are doing every thing perfectly. 

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9. Competitive reader: Such readers are in a competition with themselves. They set page and book targets for themselves to attain. I will read 30 pages till my train reaches my destination. I will read 2 chapters of the book before I go to bed. I have to finish so many books by month end. Setting targets gives them a mission, which they anyways take very seriously. 

10. One at a time reader: Such types of readers don’t get distracted with other new and interesting books that they see. If they have started reading a book, they will make sure they complete it before they move on to a new one.  Unlike some readers, they don’t prefer reading 2 to 3 books at one time too. They are loyal to one book till they finish it. 

11. Book clubbers: Such readers love to attend book reader’s meet and discuss books over drinks and snacks at their club meetings. They rely on recommendations given by book clubs and make their reading decisions based on it. 

There are some very popular book clubs and some prominent personalities like Barak and Michelle Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Sarah Jessica Parker and even our very own Sonali Bendre who share the book recos on their social media platform. So next time if you are in doubt about what to read, just ask a book clubber. 

12. Notes taker: Remember in your school days your teacher asked you to make annotations in your books. Some readers do the same for their books but these are not schoolbooks and its not done for good graders. Readers do this to reflect on what they just read and process the information. So next time when you see your friend’s book with all markings and writing done with pencils or post-its, make sure to read those pages with attentiveness. 

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13. Compulsive Readers: This category of readers have to read each and everything they get their hands on. From books to newspapers to even reading the back of a shampoo bottle, they read it all. Reading is an impulsive action for them that they love to the core. 

My conversations with readers happen in two ways; If we share the common genre and style, I can discuss for hours at stretch and if we don’t have anything in common, it’s a one sentence conversation; what are you reading? Oh good. That’s it. So while many of my friends are voracious readers, our reading style is very different and distinctive and that leaves me with hardly 1 or 2 friends with whom I share something common when it comes to reading. 

I personally like travel fiction and don’t connect with anyone who reads self-help or motivational books. That’s not my genre as I prefer stories to read than monologues. From the above categories, I find myself in a few as I too don’t like lending my books to any one mainly because I have had few people who never bothered to return some of my favorite books and I had to buy a new copy again. I also like to leave markings and highlight something interesting, which I think would be worth pondering up on. I am a one at a time book reader and also love to arrange books as per authors and get very annoyed if any one, even my kids mess with my books. I set targets to read. If I sneak in some time to read between the chores, I tell myself, 20 pages and I will get back to work. I need a book to fall a sleep and feel very restless if I don’t have a book by my side. My books travel with me everywhere I go. Be it a holiday, in the car or to another room in the house. I will always have a book in my hand. Yes even in the kitchen and my washroom also has few books arranged. 

So whatever is your style, continue reading. Reading is like dreaming with open eyes. 

Glimpse of one of my bookshelf. This image belongs to and reuse is not permitted.

With this post, I am taking my blog to next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa and you will find my post under the hashtag of #mummatalkswrites on all social media platforms.

By mummatalks

Mom of two brats, use to work as an analyst now a SAHM. Love books.

85 replies on “13 types of Readers- Which one are you?”

I am a little bit of all except 2,3,5,6, and 11, I think. It’s hard to keep track of the numbers! I love paperbacks and harcovers too (especially if I am collecting them for my personal library) but I love my Kindle too. It accompanies me everywhere. 😀

Oh, how much I loved reading this one! Hansa, your voracious reading habit shines through this blog, and it made for an interesting read. I’m a mix of hoarder, compulsive, and sophisticated reader. Reading is like dreaming with open eyes. #MyFriendAlexa #TinaReads

That’s a nice post, I really enjoyed reading the types of readers and finding the type that suits me the most. For sure I’m a paperback loyalist, a weekend reader with kids around, and also a notes taker too. Loved reading the post getting to know a variety of types of readers.

Awesome as usual. I believe that I am a compulsive reader. because whatever I get I have to read everything printed on it whether it is a shampoo bottle or a book 😃😃 I feel good to know everything about that object.. I believe that information can be gathered from any source that’s why I never leave an opportunity to read everything. You won’t believe I read the shop hoardings as well very deeply !!!

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